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This Is Me And My Journey To Yoga

Mindful Minutes

We all have a journey to the practice. A story to tell. A path we walked to get on our mat.

We all have a journey to the practice. A story to tell. A path we walked to get on our mat.

Some of our stories are of loss. For some of us, we were guided to the practice by the light we saw in others. The way the practice filled them up. And for some of us, it is a story of self discovery.

For me, my story is one of loss and one of gain. In 2007 I was widowed at the age of 30 with three children under the age of three. I was young. I was alone. I was lost.

After the passing of my husband a friend said to me, “Molly, you are no good for anyone, if you don’t take care of yourself.” She was right. I needed to put the oxygen mask on myself so I could breathe again. I needed to take care of me, so I could be a better mom.

My journey to the mat was one of loss and one of regaining my breath. During this time I learned to connect my mind, body and breath. However, it wasn’t always the most graceful practice. But I kept returning to the mat. Day after day. Week after week. I tried not to judge myself as a mother, teacher, new wife, new stepmom and yogi. I made mistakes.

I found grace and love for myself through this messy journey called live.

Now, as an experienced practitioner, I lead others to the mat. The people I find called to lead are children and educators. Children our the future of our world and educators our their leaders. We need to invest in them. Invest in all of them. Our time, our love and our practice.

There is nothing more important then educating our future. Investing in teaching them skills of non judgement, grace and kindness. Investing in them the skill to recognize to pause between the action and reaction and remembering to do so. Investing in them the knowledge that we are not every thought we have in our heads, we are so much more. Investing in them the ability to connect their smart mind to their kind hearts and calm their bodies.

We all have our journey to the mat. I ask you, where are you in yours? Have you found the mat? Does it need to be dusted off and brought out of the closet? Or are you already on the mat, but need to take the next step forward in your journey. I ask you to pause, breathe and proceed forward in your journey.


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